God is the captain of the pirates
The angels are the pirates
We are the gold
And when we get to heaven, God has found his gold
On our ride to school the next morning, I asked Brody to sing his song. He was embarrassed even though it was just me, his brother, and him. So I remembered most of the lyrics and began to sing them. He chimed in on the lyrics i missed. I love that he wants to write his own song, but I am even more impressed by the lyrics. Yes they are a tad "me-centered" but he is 6 years old. However, even at 6 he understands that God has angels, but what he is really in pursuit of is his people and it is more precious than gold.
On your next car ride, see if your kids have any worship songs they have written or challenge them to write their own psalm or song. You will be impressed by their theology and you will grow through their connection with God.