Last night in our second class on discipleship I put a bullseye target on every table. The picture above is the finished product.
First as a class we made a list of the things Christians/churches are about or what they do. If you go to church you can imagine some of the responses. I asked everyone to be honest. So we ended up with such responses: worship, share Jesus, uphold traditions, fight/fuss, encourage, show off, and even resist change and get stuck in a rut.
After creating our list I explained that the bullseye in the target symbolized what is most important to us. The class had to write items from the list on a post-it, then place them on the target.
The discussion that followed was difficult, yet refreshing because of its honesty. We are choosing to spend our time and energy on many things that are far from center. Christians and churches would benefit and grow from this kind of conversation and must work diligently to make the most important things of Christ our focus as Christians.
This kind of practice will move us from believers to disciples. You can give intellectual assent to Jesus, but Jesus didn't call us to simply believe. He called us to follow. Following Christ is the bullseye. Now everything I do must move me to that journey.