However, Technology has threatened our relationship as well. There was a time, not too long ago, where after the boys were in bed we would watch TV together as our alone time. Unfortunately that meant that we each had our laptops open surfing the net while the TV played in the background. Above all of this Leah has consistently shared with me the frustration of always having my phone on me and looking at it every 3 seconds. I have been on technology overload. I have been trying to come home spend time with the family with limited technological interruptions and then dock my phone and laptop by 7pm. I have been relatively successful.
I don't know that I have profound wisdom in this area. It is still new to me. But maybe we should add a marriage vow. "I do solemnly swear, to put you my spouse before all other distractions, especially the computer and iphone." No matter what we must disengage our virtual worlds to re-engage our true world at home. We must be willing to put our families first and leave our work behind in order to be refreshed and renewed. Like many of the spiritual disciplines/exercises, we must work at this until it is our natural habit. May God help us and lead us during all of these things.