We don't talk about demons, demon activity, sources of evil, spiritual warfare, or Satan that much. And yet, when you do people always have a story.
My friend Richard Beck writes a great book, Reviving Old Scratch. He says really powerful things in that book and here are some of my takeaways:
1. We need to really consider this subject
2. Be careful of the extremes: Everything is demonic or Nothing is demonic and explainable
3. His words on the Scooby-Dooification of spiritual warfare is worth the price of the book
4. Two paths converge
That last takeaway is where I landed on the sermon I preached this past Sunday when talking about demon and demonic activity. There are two paths to this spiritual warfare thing: 1. physical, tangible, explainable path: where we look at social injustice, inquities, and transgressions. 2 Cosmic, unexplainable path: where we find demons entering people, taking us on in our dreams, demons vs angels, Satan vs Spirit, and Satan vs Jesus.
What I said in my sermon was while these are separate paths of spiritual warfare they do converge and "run into" one another. In other words we have gross social injustices in our world because there is a live being, Satan, that is wreaking havoc in our world and the cosmic world. And yet, there is also a God who brings peace and doesn't just win battles, but gave his son to win a Cosmic war against all evil activity.