Isn't that just the greatest beginning! And, yet as I said above many expected and unexpected things have taken place since. However, it wasn't my only beginning. Every time I have grown in my faith I have had a new beginning. That is what I love about the story of God. He is always beginning something new in us. New beginnings happen when big life changes happen. We moved from that town, I started school, went to middle school, to high school, to college, got a career in ministry, got married, had children, and have moved twice since. We (my wife and I) have lost some grandparents along the way and have learned new normals by moving twice and tackling health issues. Through it all we have had new beginnings and new chapters of life have occurred.
When you start a story with "Once upon a time..." you hope to end with "And they lived happily ever after." And while the middle has its own plot, schemes, catalysts, and problems to be solved, the end come quicker than we think. And many times we live the middle trying to make the end say, "happily ever after". That is why I love the story of God. That is why I love that my story is just a small part of God's story. The end of His story is, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen" And to be honest the ending hasn't happened yet. We still wait in great anticipation for the end. And so I will try and live my story creating new beginnings when life calls for them and living for something more substantial than "happily ever after." I will live for the grace of God. I live knowing that God is always with His people continually working in their lives and gifting them with grace.