YES!! The answer is yes. Dylann Roof is an example of not only wanting to hate, but acting on his hate.
YES!! The answer is yes. The call to love from scripture would logically mean that there is an opposite emotion and action and hate fills that bill.
YES!! It is why Jesus preached against anger on the Sermon on the Mount
YES!! It is why the KKK burns crosses, Westboro Baptist Church pickets funerals, abortion clinics are bombed, ISIS beheads innocent unarmed people, and why people in America that are part of the LGBT community are scared and reluctant to share who they are really.
Does Anyone Really Want to Hate?
Is Hate truly prevalent in our world?
The answer is YES!! and I'm not sure that, that answer changes this side of heaven.
Okay Michael, let's just pack it up and quit trying to be what we are not.
Hold on.
Does anyone really want to love?
Is Love truly prevalent in our world?
The answer is YES!! And I know for a fact that, that answer will never change.
One thing I truly know is that only one of these can drive the other out. God will never be exterminated! However, evil can be and it will be done with love.
Hate + Hate = oppressive darkness that in turn breeds more hate.
My challenge for those on Social Media and claim Jesus as their savior and participate in a weekly offering of worship and service with a community of faith: Drive out hate with LOVE! Post only positive and loving things for a week. LOVE PEOPLE more than country, flags, history, debates, principles, politics, news outlets, engaging articles, and even your favorite blog.
There was a ton of hate in the world when Jesus walked the streets. He focused on LOVE. And we can too!
Just like hate is a choice, so is LOVE!