We have tried share about a God of love with a caring, compassionate, cuddly Jesus. In reality, Jesus got frustrated and angry. He did not allow it to overcome him and become a sin, but he did use the passion God gave him to defend the throne of heaven from trivial abuse. People had set up shop in God's house, pushed Him out, and made their dwelling for their own desires and benefit. It is worse than the guest who overstays their welcome. It is more like a malicious squatter who comes into your living room kidnaps your couch and TV and refuses to leave. They push you and your family out of the house and claim it as their own. Jesus had, had enough! He doesn't question them, he doesn't lecture them, he doesn't petition them, he simply takes the time to create a whip out of chords and begins to drive out the sheep and cattle, then he progresses to the furniture and thrusting it all about, and then his progression and anger turn towards the people as he commands them to get their merchandise out of his Father's house. Jesus was angry and he makes a powerful statement that worship of God and having your identity in Him alone is worth getting angry over.
There is a time to have cuddly Jesus.
There is also a time to have angry Jesus and fight for what counts.
I wish that I never have to scream that loud again. But then again, there are some injustices in our world that Jesus is wanting his followers to create a whip and a roar and fight for God, His ways, and His glory!