That was the year I went to camp for the first time and met a man from Houston who was one of our camp counselors/teachers. He had twins in his family and prayed for years that he would have twin boys. And he and his wife had twin boys. As a 7th grader I thought that was the coolest thing ever and so I tested God. For an entire school year each day I prayed for twin boys. After that I totally forgot about that prayer...until August 2007 when I found out it was answered and in February 2008 it became a reality.
Kids know how to pray...without reservation. Kids know how to dream...without boundaries. Somehow when we enter adulthood we put "childish" things behind us and start building boxes. I was convicted this past summer that my dreams are too small. At first this made me want to put all my dreams on hold almost defeated that why dream if I can't dream big. Then I remembered that being faithful with a little will give you ground to be faithful with much.
So what are my dreams? I really dream to proclaim the word of God in such a way that inspires God's people to come together for kingdom work around the entire world. I dream and pray for a compassionate heart (like that of a child) to not just desire the extinction of homelessness, but also the extinction of bitter facades that makes homelessness invisible. I also dream that those who are privileged (rich, white, male, successful, healthy, etc.) don't require those who are not to be "like" us. Instead we should be people who give value to all! I dream that the church can regain its vital purposes without compromising its value in the kingdom. I dream that Christians would be tolerable, likable, joyous, accepting, safe (to be around), and grace-oriented. I dream to be a dad who inspires and encourages his family towards Christ more than anything else. I dream to be a pastoral leader who is willing to walk beside others in ALL facets of their life. I dream to be willing to follow God's call wherever it may take, whatever it may ask of me.
What are your dreams for your journey?