Billy Graham used this quote as well, "Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God." (according to Christianity Today article, "Someday You Will Read or Hear That Billy Graham Didn't Really Say That", Caleb Lindgren. click title for link)
What a mantra! If you can live these words to their fullest each day, I can hardly believe that you will regret the life you lived.
Billy Graham was a faithful follower of Jesus. You might not agree with all of his theology, but I dare you can say that he pandered to anyone. He simply lived to the best of his life for Jesus Christ and to share the message of Christ.
I confess I don't know a ton about Billy Graham. I don't really have to know much about him. All I need to know is how many have risen up to say how he used a message from God and his ministries as a tool to lead them to salvation. I'm sure he wasn't perfect. None of us are. He was a human on fire for God and never stopped sharing his faith to others. I have loved hearing different stories of him and how he pursued the gospel with his words and his life.
Thank you Billy Graham for your ministry to this world. Thank you for remaining faithful all of these years. You will be missed. May we all be dedicated to serving others and sharing the gospel message.
Someday you will hear that Michael Mercer is dead. Don't believe a word of it. I will be more alive than I am now.
And so will you.
Praise God.