One cannot miss the ideas of repentance, salvation, and compassion. God has great compassion for all people. And while we have once regarded repentance as a bad word, we realize in Jonah, that repentance is reconciliation with God and through this reconciliation, Jonah is able to reconcile an entire city to God.
If nothing else I realize through this story that I must embrace my story of repentance and realize that repentance not only turns me from sin, but turns me to God and thus gives me a message for others who are seeking something deeper in this life than the world can offer. They are seeking repentance, reconciliation with God. If I can share how God has done this for me, then they can see that God can do this for them as well. This is good news and our salvation continues. I am Jonah. I am Ninevah. I am God's story of repentance. And YOU are too!