This leads into a life of LEGALISM!
Boy I hated to type that, but I think it must be said. I read and listen to my liberal friends. I read and listen to my conservative friends and on both sides each thinks they corner the market on what is right, just, and how one should live. I'm not saying that there is not truth in them. I'm saying that once we think we know exactly what has to be done or exactly how one should act, we are on a shiny wood floor in brand new socks.
Nothing is black and white. And we don't possess full knowledge or wisdom on anything. Lawyers practice law. Doctors practice medicine. This means that they don't know everything and haven't seen every foreseeable circumstance of life or their profession. I always say that ministers practice theology/ministry. Just the same we haven't seen it all, no do we have infinite knowledge and wisdom regarding God and his people.
What happens (on both conservative and liberal sides) is that we tend to practice theology by nailing down the "rightness" of scripture or the perfection seen in Jesus' example or what absolute truth is and how every tenet of faith must be defined.
As a pastor and theologian I can surmise what God may be saying through the text. I can challenge God's people to a certain way of living. I can stand up for those in the margins and be an advocate for all things good and holy. What I cannot do is bury my very body and soul into my certain thoughts and feelings and interpretations where I forget that people are people, the world is broken, and there is always hope in Jesus.
What I continually am reminded as I scroll through Facebook and feel outrage against a particular political party or group of people because they aren't doing Christianity the way I think they should is that by going there I am practicing religion...and I need to be practicing grace.
I grew up in a time where I was taught grace and how to receive it. Now it's time I learn to not just receive that grace, but to extend it to others and practice it. Honestly, I need to practice grace to those that infuriate me most and with those I love the best.
I don't need to lay down my convictions, interpretations, and values. But I need to view those against people I disagree with through the lens of grace.
Practicing grace doesn't mean that those who offend me or the gospel are exonerated from their behavior, but it means I become a prayer warrior for them first. I practice the principle of best intentions if I don't know them well first. I talk to the one who offends me and the gospel with love and care.
Practicing grace means I don't always need to comment on every Facebook post and maybe I don't need to stir the pot either. And when I communicate a conviction and there is an opposing side, grace says that I cannot assume that everyone who believes differently is inherently evil and not a Christian like I am.
Only grace will save us from the pit of certain legalism that we are seeing today.
Practice grace!