Have you met my wife? She radiates! She is gorgeous on the outside and that beauty is magnified a hundred fold on the inside. I cannot imagine life without her. She is fierce when defending her loved ones and tender when loving those close to her. She gives from a deep place in her heart only to make the world a brighter place. And her humility simply makes all of this so much more adorable!
Leah and I have been together for 18 years. We have been married for 14 years. And magically she is only 25! Today is her birthday! And while we will celebrate her and give her gifts, we will never be able to give back to her more than what she is always giving to us. If you know me, then you know that I am undeserving of this type of love and so the fact that Leah chose me is a sure sign there is a God!
I love my wife! I love her because she loves. She loves her family, my family, her children, her friends, the lost, those in need, the exceptional, and the forgotten. She loves me. She loves the Father, the Son, and the Spirit!
Some people want to go back in time and live a certain part of their life, especially high school or college years. Not me, I'm afraid if I went back I wouldn't get this lucky again. She is the joy of my life here on Earth. Whenever there is a moment of doubt about this world or about God or about my place in all of this crazy...I look into her eyes and I'm once again captivated into a great, deep love that brings me to my senses and restores my heart!
If you know Leah...and even if you don't, wish her a happy birthday today! She is a gift from God, not just to me, but to us all!
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!