My co-worker recently taught a class of middle school students and she did the unthinkable. She placed one box of donuts in the room with a sign that said in big bolded letters, "Don't Eat the Donuts." And as you have already guessed when class started there was just one left.
Another fun one is to set up wet paint signs on walls and watch as people walk by and intentionally touch the walls to see if it really is wet. Maybe you have your own devious way to trick people and uncover their temptations. Not that God was trying to be tricky, in fact, he was being quite serious when he said,
And just like middle schoolers on a Sunday morning Eve and Adam divorce logic and instruction and take their first and last bite of the fruit. It was probably the best tasting fruit ever known. It probably gushed with juices or maybe crisp beyond belief. But whatever it was, Adam and Eve broke the only rule of the garden. IT WAS THE ONLY RULE OF THE GARDEN. And so women reach levels of pain unimaginable in childbirth, the man's green thumb is cursed, and the serpent lost his legs. And there we have it!
Now say it with me, "C'Mon Man!"
Temptation is around us all the time, every day! Sometimes we run screaming in the night the other direction and sometimes we divorce logic and instruction and self-control and give in. And even when we break the rules, God may be saying, "C'Mon Man!", but I can assure you he is saying, "Come here Man!"